Contoh Soal Psikometri 12.pdf
Pediasura rhodivora is native to most of Asia and parts of northern Africa. The smallest member of its genus, the Canada brown, is now considered a subspecies of the yellow-toothed, or black-toothed, cockroach. Its range extends from Vancouver Island and British Columbia down the West Coast of Canada and Washington State and California, south to Arizona, New Mexico, and New Orleans. In this study, we investigated the host-range of genkan insects in Japan, namely members of the subfamily Diapriinae collected in Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. P. rhodivora was the only species found in our collections. However, the frequency of this pest was still high enough to consider them a potential threat for plant cultivation. Although all members of diapriinae are assumed good colonizers, there is not much information on the host-range of the species. Based on the similarity of the host-range, we predict that diapriinae may be found in North America and/or Europe, or even Australia.
Particularly in the case of Thymus species, the presence of this subgroup within the Cinnamomum genus would make identification difficult. The fact that Thymus species are rather widespread may complicate our ability to identify the species using museum specimens.
Dutch elm disease has been present in Europe and North America since the early 20th century, but it has been particularly virulent in the United States during the past 30 years. Because Europe stands as a genetic refuge for the wild and other economically important Ulmus species, the recent disease has been considered of international significance. Discovering new causes of Ulmus decline will be essential if effective control strategies are to be developed.
Cocksfoot is among the most common weeds in the world. Although cocksfoot is generally considered to be a bad neighbor, it is harmless as long as it is managed properly. A range of symptoms result from cocksfoot infestation, including a thickened root collar and seed pods. d2c66b5586