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This article gives you information on how to crack the AutoCAD 2010 software. The crack is based on the keygen for a 32 bit version of the software. Autodesk has changed the software so the keygen may not work.
Once you run the keygen there are a couple of things to sort out first. The first is the version of autocad that you have. It should say AutoCAD 2010. Double click on it and it will open up for you. If it doesn't work then you should be able to get it from your computer's Control Panel if it's not already installed on there. You will want to install 2010 32 bit version of it.
Now you need the AutoCAD Web Service. You will need to download the setup file. Google it if you can't find it. Then you should unzip it somewhere safe. Once you have that you then need the setup.exe file from the autocad exe above, After running the setup.exe you should recieve a menu from which you should be able to select the AutoCAD web service. Once selected you should see a splash screen. Once that's done you can load the visual studio 2010. Make sure that you don't get too many of the settings in there. If you do you can get a bomb threat window on the screen. Otherwise go through the setup wizard. Once set up, run the autocad.exe and pass the serial number.
If you get access you've just cracked the correct version it's saying that. If you do not you should of downloaded the wrong version when you ran the keygen. You need to write your crack into the appropriate text file and then you can run it. This can take a while, you may have to scan each page again though. Thus be patient. Refer to the guide on cracking autocad on the links section. There are links in the main article. d2c66b5586