Pl707 V4 Programming Software 13
That time I started messing around with some of the options and went back to the Device Manager GUI, looking for the Bluetooth standard option. After a little playing around I came to the conclusion that I would need to disable the Microsoft Bluetooth Standard Adapter completely to do this effect, and I did just that with no issues. I told it that when the computer starts, it should initially use the Bluetooth standard adapter as its primary adapter only. Then I verified to make sure that was enabled and disabled the BT radio.
Here you can see the control panel in action when changing between the two adapters. As you can see, the Bluetooth adapter is currently listed as being the default adapter (in blue), while the Rolex BT Adapter is listed as the secondary adapter (in orange). While it may seem like no significant changes have been made, the green arrow has now changed to the blue arrow indicating the adapter is now the default adapter (what it should be in the first place). At that point, you can click blue to bring up the settings for the Bluetooth adapter, if you wanted to.
Some users might claim that using the black arrow instead of clicking blue will put the audio back to the adapter that was previously the default. If that's the case, I would suggest that either didn't do what you would expect, or that it is indeed working as intended (although I would opt to check if the adapter is showing bluetooth as enabled). Anyway, the point of this is that in the MS Device manager GUI you can configure the default audio output and be confident that things are working as they should.
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