Ragnarok Emoticons For Facebook Chat
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If you are a fan of emoticons on your browser, then you might want to get the popular Funny Emoticons web browser addon. This add-on allows you to add some cool emoticons to your browser and it helps you out when composing your messages and chatting.
This is The Ultimate Emoticons List, and it is a list of all the emoticons that I or my fellow developers have ever created. I've been playing around with these emoticons for a long time, and I've created probably hundreds of them. So I put this list together. This list includes emoticons for Facebook, Twitter and Google Talk.
Many of the emoticons are actually just images of characters. I have included them even though they aren't real emoticons because I believe that they are good for cartoons and cartoons are important, even if they aren't real or actual emoticons.
Because emoticons are important to personal and business communications, I have done my best to make this collection of emoticons as comprehensive as possible. If there are any emoticons missing from this list, please let me know so I can add them. If you find any errors in this list, please let me know so I can correct the situation.
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One of the drawbacks to this approach was that we needed to recompile every time we made even a small change to the code. This slowed everything else we were doing down and because we couldn't always have someone waiting for the application to finish building. 827ec27edc