Stronghold Crusader English Language Pack
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IiIII6 THE T TKEWASKINGTON II E WASHINGTON WAS HI N G TON HEBALD HER HRALDPRIDAY A L D FEIDAY F R ID A Y DECEMBER DE 0 E B E It 21 2 1 1806 1 9 0 6THE WASHINGTON HERALD HERALDPiUftlied HERALDP HERALDiL1JPiUftlied P iL1J 1Jfs1ud Every Morning in th tlus ti Year Y ur by byTHE byTlE byTHETHE TlE WASHINGTON HERALD COMPANY COMPANYPuUkauen COMPANYPu COMPANYubcaiezPuUkauen Pu ubcaiez lial e11 Office Office1M734 FIFTEENTH STREET NORTHWEST NORTHWESTEntered NORTHWEStEDtiJ JEMerdEntered EDt d as iccMtdciawi matter aUer October 5 ISM mt mtt att a atbetbe t K postoffira at WufthictoB D I U C tadcr Mer act at atCngrecsaf 6fcgren e et4gresofCngrecsaf cgren ef March 3 3 MR MRSCOTT 1BJ9SCOTT 139SCOTTSCOTT C C BONE Editor EditorEraeit EJ1rErnest 1I1er 1I1erEraestErnest H Mcrrick Treasurer and nd Btuineti Manager ManagerQtrence MUlIC MUlICCarena MinagerCreDce d to t no noparticular 110pah nopatIcuIrparticular pah cular aectkm RetJonof ice ou of tbe country for forthe ferthe forthethe oampiaiftts njplaliits of shippers are Heart far farand frand farandand wide The coKtmisston in its Itsnual an annual a anual ¬nual report nport tINs summarise the exist existing exttltJrlJ exlntln ¬ing JrlJ ln conditions conditionscteMtt e conditionsTh1 Th ndIti J Jwith niokr a awithwith the 1d hI i price oIIitaiIIaWe o Ia1mk fw all alleta 5 5eliweta eliw of mdltI5a maiatiiHtiff hw e so JDtioa urtanarttd prahw prahwtion posatinetine ac to rtttd lsl4 a TOKHM T of tntacpartattaa traMportaUeahids Imjiuea ImjiueauhJch bealnesaahIchuhJch hids far exceed ia the aajsresate tile tilecspdtr cttnyiae cttnyiaecapacity camrInscat1capacity of the MOntd 18 I Imore Ia a iesd tM tMBK ilendsp ilendspeHtBK eHt t prin te ndeMe7 bee of o late JateJMfe bee ac acoemore oe M NIIit p M thaa u th tIN inafwrn of n r Oway r mrtiannt mrtianntinavsMewt I sitIn nit nitIIIIII me mHS it is bepIy a It fill m can rs ia otINn otINninll othaainmdeatinavsMewt inll llllu t traeks and MMtiw poww te fUH other etbcnwholly IenhoUr otherwhollywholly hoUr iwMkfiMte tmt MIIttt U st TWOS aad a ienamai leniN faciatie leniNtieatieL tietieIfIf tbe sol 30Ie canoe of the present pre ent troubles troublesof troublesof troublesofof the shippers is inauffifctent railway railwayequipment raUwayequtpment railwayequlpaentequipment it is 1 obvious that no immediate immediateremedy Immediateremedy immediateremedyremedy can it be found for such equipment equipmentcannot tclIlAtIItcannot oquisaentcannotcannot be provided in a day Immense Immensesums Immensesums e esumssums are now being betn expended in rail railway railway railway ¬way construction coutruetton in providing < more com commodious COMmodious cornmodlous ¬modious terminal tenatuala and in additions to torollingstock toroIUnsstock torollingstockrollingstock Mere selfInterest eIfhat > would wouldl wouldlead wouldleadlead l ad the railroads rail to Increase their equip equipment equipment enuipinent ¬ment if not considerations of public con convenience convenience convenlence ¬venience Plenty of evidence exists exJ xiit hi that thataelfiatereat tbatselflnterNt thatzelfinterestaelfiatereat has ha so operated o ted and many manyof JUnyot manyofof the railroads have been making IIIk nsakln stren strenuous HreDUOU8 etrenurnis ¬uous efforts to keep pace imc with th UN indus industrial 1 1trtaJ liadusthai ¬trial boom boomBut boomBut boomButBut there is another aide to the car carshortage earshortage r rzhortagsshortage problem which aeems to reflect reflectupon relectupon reectuponupon railway raU management It to assert asserted asserted aseerted ¬ed and apparently admitted by railway railwaymen railwaymen railwaymenmen men that freight oars O are re moved leas leasrapidly leArapidly leesrapidlyrapidly than formerly that thousands of ofthem otthem ofthemthem are confiscated by lines I owning In Insufficient Iftsuftlclent ineuflicient ¬sufficient equipment and that other thou thousands thouMnM thousands ¬sands are tied UD by consignees co consgnees lilgnees who use useth UNthem usethemthem th m jot toP storage purposes pur purposeathat that in a aword aword awordword the present equipment of rolling rollingstock roIllngtoek rollingstockstock toek is not made use of to its full ca capacity capacity capacity ¬pacity Senator tor Hansbroughs Han broUCb s measure measureIs ipeasureIs ur urJIIs Intended Intend d to deal d with 1U some of these de defects tiert j jfectsrt fects In railway management man eaMQt but railway railwaymanagers J railwaymanagers lwaJ lwaJmanagersmanagers have already taken hold of the thematter u umatt8l themattermatter and are endeavoring to arrive at atsome atIiOIDe atsomesome method of keeping cars employed employedand employedand employedandand available at points where needed neededIt neededIt neededItIt is important to railway managers to toapply toapply toapplyapply the requisite remedy remed for admitted admitteddeficiencies admlttedd admitteddehelenelesdeficiencies d ele ele in the he management of their theirproperties tIteirproperu theirpropertiesproperties for hi the present temper of ofth orthe oftheth the public p Hc there is I bound to be strong strongdemand strongdemand t1OD t1ODdemaacidemand for fMrtper t1lr r national nationa Uoaal regulation regulationof regulationoiof the highways hlghv of o commerce unless un the tbejust thejust thejustjust and reasonable demands s of shippers shippersfor shipperstor hIpper hIpperforfor accommodation owftodatlon can be mat Legis Legislation Lepatlon Leglelatlos ¬lation cannot t supply equipment but it itcan IteaR Itcaircan supply Ply remedies for some of the theother theother theotherother evils si11 now complained o of oj To avoid avoidgovernment avoidgoWJIIUe avoidgotsrnmeettgovernment management t the railroads railroadsshould raUro8dsfi railroadsiAoudshould fi lOUkl look lqok to it that their own methods methodsofof operation operat are beyond criticism criticismProsperity erltJeIMIP critielemProepolttrvtProsperity P Proepolttrvt rl Even Ev the Presidential Pre lcJewUal mes message BMBlCe moe4age ¬sage lCe crop amaah smashes s all records recordsThe r recordsTue COntaTheThe Chinaman in InThe n Manchuria l1nncburJnThe ManchuriaTheThe It elusive peive Chinaman and the subtle subtlepart 8UbUepart subtlepartpart he played in the war in Manchuria Manchuriaar MaackurIIUar < are most interestingly lQt eungh disclosed in Ii a a re repor re repor reportpor port made to the War ar Department of ofpersonal ofper1 ofperionlpersonal observations of the milttaiy milttaiyoperations mmtJUJo mIlItzyoperationsoperations o rats of the Japanese army by Col ColWalter Cola1ter CclWalterWalter a1ter S Schuyler late lat of our General Generalifftaff Gen Generalftaff ra1 ra1ttifftaff tt The reports from that and other otherHources otherIIOUrca ethercourcesHources are U only now beginning to be beavailable beavall beavailableavailable avall We from the military information informationdivision InformatJondivision Informationdivisiondivision of the War Department DepartmentCeL Dep Depertnientcot rtDIent rtDIentCeLCeL Schuyler finds himself btmsef able to totestify totesUfy totestifytestify to the skill of the Chinese in inevasion InevaslOft Inevasionevasion and deception It was impos impossible Imposble Imposnible ¬sible ble he says s to determine whether the theChinese theChlne theChineacChinese e inhabitants were with itA the Rue Russians RuMans Ruesinus ¬Mans or the Japanese although naturally naturallyinin the presence pre nce of th t > Russians they bad badmuch muInmeh badrauchmuch to say against the Japanese One Onething Onetblng Onethingthing was itn apparent to the th most casual casualobserver ealobserver canualobserverobserver and nd that Ul t was the wellgrounded wellgroundedand ngroundedandand justifiable uattiiabIe fear of being left unpro unprotected unprotected unprotected ¬tected between the withdrawal wltJ tirawal of one onearray onearmy onearmyarmy and nd the arrival of the other They Theyknew Theyknew TheVknewknew by considerable experience experle ee said saidCol dCot saiiColCol Schuylar that at such a time they theywould t theywould e eWGuldwould be unmercifully robbed by their theirown theirown theirownown people and it was reported on good goodauthority goodauthorl goodauthorityauthority authorl in Liaoyang that in antici anticipation antlCpaUoa anticipation ¬pation of the withdrawal of the Rue Russians RttJllana Rueslans ¬sians the t e organized org nlZ4d bands of Hunnuzas Hunnuzashad Hunku8sbad Hunhuzeshadhad made elaborate plans for the looting lootingofof the dty It became known to the theRussian theRusetaa tbeRussIanRussian comnianderlnchlef that the theChinese theChinese theChinesChinese commander Ma bad arranged to toattack toattack toattackattack the Russians with a force of 20660 20660Chinese 20600Chinese 2OOOChineseChinese soldiers in the vicinity of Mukden Mukdenand Mukdenand Mukdenandand the Russians in making plans for foradvance toradvance foradvanceadvance had to consider this threat threatwhich threatbleb threatwhichwhich bleb it was understood says Col ColSchuyier CotScbuler colSebnylerSchuyier 4was was first written to the Rus Russian Russlal1 Rueelan ¬sian viceroy vlcero by the Chinese e Empress EmpressDowager BmpreesDo8ger mprees mpreesDowagerDowager DowagerThe Do8gerThe DowagerTheThe Chinese were employed extensively extensivelybyby both sides as s spies but tb tla Japanese Japaneseappeared JaPJte5eappeeroo Japaseappearodappeared to make mak most of these secrat secratagents soor sooragenta socrtagentsagents for the Russian commanders commanderswere commanderswere commandersworewere frequently misled by their Own Ownspies bwnplea ownspiesspies plea who were evidently prompted prompt d by bythe bythe bythethe Japanese to make certain reports reportsOn rOJOrtsOn reportsOnOn one occasion the Russian officer In Incharge Incharge Inchargecharge was fturled arrlett by a series of con ¬tradictory tra let8ry reports regarding the tit Japanese Japaneseadvance Jtptlneseadvaaee Japaneseadvanceadvance the Information coming from fromHis frombit fromhimHis Chinese spies who had evidently been beancarefully beencarefuUy beencarefullycarefully coached for the purpose DU P05e of pro provoking proYOking provoicing ¬YOking the Russian Ru elan commander eomman r by keep keeping keepIns keepleg ¬Ins him up to unnecessary alertness and andao andsoao contributing to the fatigue and din dlscoaragemant dlMCOIIragenunt dinconragemettcoaragemant of his forces More Mor than thanthis thanthla thanthisthis the Russians discovered that their theirscreened theirJlCreenoo theirscreenedscreened positions were revealed to the theJapanese theJap theJapaneseJapanese Jap nese by the Chinese spies and nd it itwas Itwas itwaswas of report that the Chinese apparently apparentlyworking aPlMlrentlyworking apparentlyworkingworking in the fields indicated IlKltc Wd to the theJapanese theJaplle theJapaneseJapanese 9 the position po of the Russian Russiantroops RuStilantroops RussiantroopStroops and in this way aided the Japa Japanese Japanese Japanose ¬nese gunners There was adds Cot CeLSchuyler ColSchuyler CotSehuylerSchuyler at t least one authentic case in inwhich Sawh hiwhichwhich wh which h this waa true true and I have a copy copyof CGpYof copyofof V 1 picture made from an actaal pho photograph photograph photograph ¬tograph of o the Chinese e caught in the act actof aetor actofof signaling JiI Ung with a tinS to the Japanese Japanesebatteries Japan JapanbIltte Japanesebattei4esbatteries batteriesAccording bIltte battei4esAccording N NAeeorcllagAccording to the military observer the theChinese theCbln theOhinemoChinese Cbln e in Manchuria introduced an ole element ele element olemacnt ¬ment of great uncertainty and presented presentedtbe preeoRWdtlw presentedthethe > factor of real annoyance against againstwhich ag8fnstwhich againstwhichwhich the Russians found It sometimes sometimesdifficult aometfmedltIkult sometimesdifdifficult dif cult to adequately cope eo cop It was waaaltogether wa waaltogether wasaltogetheraltogether a somewhat s s l1lewkt new and assuredly assuredlyinteresting aasurtdlyInlerea aneuredlyinterestinginteresting Inlerea DI sidelight 8icIell t on the situation hi hiManchuria Ialancbuna inManchuriaManchuria ManchuriaHad lancbunaHad ManchuriaHadHad Congress C gre suspected su pe ted that t it was to tobe tobe tobebe swamped with language ItngUllgc like that it itmight Italpt itmightmight have been more wilting to sItu stmpttfy simplify sItuplWypttfy It ItMr lr Bryce Icc ns Ambassador AmbassadorItIt is a fortunate coincidence that tJIa t the theKnglijOiman UMEftgU theZngImenKnglijOiman EftgU ZngImen MaJt who wrote the very beet beatbook beetok beetbaokbook en the American commonwealth commonwealthknown eomlllOftwalthknown commonwealthknownknown to all U literature is to be appointed appointedAmbassador appointedAmdor appointedAnbaasadorAmbassador from Great Britain to the theUnited theUnited theUnitedUnited States Stat If there is one man It who whoought whoouSb1 whooughtought to be b en rapport with the Amer American AMerIcan Amerlain ¬ican peoiUe pooIc their itwtitutfons their theiridiosyncrasies tltetrI theirIdIosyncrasIesidiosyncrasies I ynerasles and their ideate James JamesBryce JamesBrree JamesBryceBryce is ihat man He has studied us uswith HIih pewlitwith ih a friendly mind mhWI He H has judged jud us usfairly usfairlY usfairlyfairly and nd accurately He will 1 there therefore therefore therefore ¬fore be accorded a cordial dlal welcome t tthe u uthe ILthethe United States StatesIt StatsIt StatesItIt has ha been the custom in the t past for forGreat torGreat forGreatGreat Britain rltaln to regard the position doD of ofAmbassador ofAmfor ofAmbasanforAmfor Ambassador to the United States ttes a aM ap apparently apparently appatently ¬parently of little importance The Brtt Britten Brttbib Brttlab ¬ten representatives here while they have haven bareecn ve11 ecn n men of line character have bavetOt bavetOtjebJeved not notchieved notAch1evodjebJeved chieved toe highest rank in diplomacy diplomacyoror 0I any other field of service The United UnitedStates UaltedStates l7eltedStatesStates on the other hand baa endeavored endeavoredtoto send to the Court of f St James the thehighest thedpt thehighesthighest types of American eivlmwuioo eivlmwuiooThese etvlUaUonmea elvilluetlonTheseThese men have done much to strengthen strengthenthe strStlMathethe ties between bet1 the nation They TINyve TINyveaddecI have haveadded haveaddedadded to tbe prestige pr tlge of the United States Stateson Statesonon the other side of the Atlantic AtlanticMr AtJaRtIcMr AtlanticMrMr Bryce resigns the position of chief chiefsecretary ChIOIsecretarysecretary 8 to tbe lord l ttetttenant aat of Ire Irebind IreIaDcI Irelandbind In the British Brltt cabinet in order to toaccept toaccept toacceptaccept the ambassadorship Hto mIs Hi coming comingisis a noteworthy episode ia our history historyPersistently b bPendslenUy historyPersistentlyPersistently have the ladles b been ea ad admonished admo1tl adntonlsbed ¬monished be4 to shop early 111 and now It to toreally Iareall I Ireallyreally reall to be hoped that they will ftnten ft in inthe intile Inthethe next day or so and give the news newspaper newspaper wa wapaper ¬paper writers and other atfvkegiirers Tkep a achance achance achancechance at the counters countersRev coun countersRev tS tSRevRev Mr lr Peters Discovers Ills Error ErrorThe ErrorThe ErrorTheThe Rev R Madison C Peters Pet has been beenInvrsUsatin beenInn beenInvestigatingInvestigating Inn U ttA the seamy Ram aid we of metro metropolitan metropelltn ¬politan life and recording rerordln his ftndiinja ftndiinjawhere ftDclllIIPwhere Sutitasiswherewhere those th who MIll way read This Thtaclerical aclerical Thisclericalclerical muckraker has told from 0 0pclplt his hispulpit nitpulpitpulpit many 1118 salacious stories > about tbe tbewonderful tbewonderful thewonderfulwonderful doings of the smart set around aroundand aroUDdand aroundandand about the Tenderloin Te erIot It was 1 be hewho beb bewhowho b 1 only a abort time ego go tfumdered tfumderedagainst tIMnMIendthe tiuraderedagainstagainst the society wmen wfmea who made madeit macIeIt madeitit a practice > to drink to drunkenness drunkennesslala tile restaurants and ahameksaty abainelemlysmoke ahameksatysmoke wdt17 wdt17amoksmoke cigarettes In the very teeth of the themob tileJDOb them theOnemob mobOne mJDObOneOne of his congregation congr had the temer temerity temerIty temerIty ¬ity to question tloa the accuracy of these thesethings tbeHihlaL thesethingsthings he advised Mr Peters to talk talkno talktono to more upon hearsay evidence evWe but in investigate Inve inveetigate ¬vestigate ve dpte for himself e1C Strangely enough enoughthe eDOuthe enoughthethe advice vl was accepted Mr Peters has hasfor hasfor busforfor the past few months been eeftt carrying earrytegOtt Ot tt a quiet personal investigation lave ttsallon Into Intothoae Intotholle intothosethose realms of riot of which he bad badpreviously hadprevtou badprirvioustypreviously so recklessly reck talked talkedQuite talkedQuite talkedQuiteQuite naturally be found actual condi conditions condltloD8 condititus ¬titus very different from imaginary con conditions conditio conditions ¬ditions ditio He now writes not only with withevident wltbe1cIeat withevidentevident understanding uHerstndI but in moat read readable readaDle readable ¬able style tyle as well He discovered d ertMI no so society odety society ¬ciety women making themselves tbem lVM con conspicuous CODsplC1lOUS conspicuout ¬spicuous bjt b indulgence in strong drink drinkhi c1r1akJnJl drinkhihi public JnJl 1e places nor did d he note any ay of ofthem oftbem ofthemthem facing the mob cigarette in mouth mouthHe mouth mouthHe mouthHeHe did note In many places simian stmlanfaeed simianfaced Jntan Jntanfaeec1faced young you fools spending money they theynever theynever theynevernever earned raecl He found feu many things thingsbad tht thtbP thingsbedbad enough but he did net find supposed supposedly ¬17 reflaed reftaeci and intelligent Intelll t femininity in inanything i ianythln Inanythinganything Nke 5k tbe degraded state stateiftVld lets htefervid letsfervidfervid imagination had previously prnloualytured pin pictured pintursd ¬tursdThe tured turedTheturedTheThe world is full of simianface simianfaceyoung sinetanfaceetyoung dantacel70Ulllyoung fools mores the pity Much of oftheir ortbetr oftheirtheir money goes the way it should not notgo notIfO notgogo This element to alwayt In evidence evidenceaa eYkletlnareaa are other varieties of addlepates acIcUe t who whohave wItoaYe whohavehave nothing noth but money But octet Society Societywomen cety cetywomenwomen 10 are Hot t at subjects of ministerial ministerialdenunciation mint minIsterialdenunciation terlal terlaldenUftdatioudenunciation and Mr 11 Peters belated belateddenial belateddenial belateddenialdenial and correction of his former views viewsU viewsLiU to be commended commendedMr commendedMr commendedMrMr Roosevelt In his Panama message messageways Jnealll8eJW memageenytways JW that it Is not JlDusual unusual for men to tegrumble tomle togrumblegrumble mle and especially peeWlly about their food foodwhen foodWMa foodwleawhen massed ia large bodies Trttft TrttftSometimes TrtlJSoIIteUutos Tru TruSoinethuosSometimes they send home reveal robins robinsabout bInsabout robinsaboutabout it ItThe Real Roosevelt RooseveltThere RooseveltTlMre RooseveltThereThere Is more of the spirit of wha WIW W the thepublic tINpu thepublicpublic pu lle knows or regards as Roosevelt Rooseveltin Reltthein the Presidents defiance of f Congress Congressinin the matter of his summary discharge dischargeef dl ehargeeCef three companies oontp nleg of the Twentyfifth TwentyfifthInfantry TwentyalfthInfantry TwentySitsInfantryInfantry than anything that has h pro proceeded proceeded procoeded ¬ceeded from the Whits House Ho for f fe a long longtime longttme longtimetime There is no attempt to explain or orextenuate oretenuate orextenuateextenuate The President stands upon uponhis uponhis uponhishis rights He exercised an autaarity autaarityvested auUNtrltyvMCed sit1trjtivestedvested in him as he believes by DTtIIt bythConstitution e eConstt the theConstitutionConstitution Constt tuUOR as ConnandGlh CommanderlncbIefwleen CommanderlncbIefwleenbe ConmrnndarinrcbJef clalef when whenbe hen henbebe ordered dismissal from the service servicewithout aenlc aenlcwU servicewithoutwithout wU Out honor of nearly near y an entire bat battalion buttallon t ttKJlon ¬talion of infantry Infa try The fact that the thesoldiers thesoldl thesoldlersoldiers soldl involved were negroes had nets nothing oothmg netslug ¬lug to do with the case Indeed there thereis thereIs thereIsis aa intimation in the th massage I e that thathad thAt1Mad thathadhad they been white instead of black blackthey bl8cktbey blacktheythey might have been dealt with more moreseverely moreseverely moreseverelyseverely So far as President Roosevelt Rooseveltisis 1 concerned the Incident is I closed His Hisact H1sact Hisictact was a part of the days work He Heassumes Heuemmel Heassumesassumes full responsibility and acquits acquitsthe aequltsthe acultsthethe Secretary of War of any blame if ifblame Ifbhune ifblameblame is to rest upon anybody anybodyTbe anybodyThe anybodyTheThe only new feature developed by the thePresidents thePreetdoots thePresidentsPresidents message is that not all of ofthe ofthe ofthethe members of the three companies were weredischarged weredischarged weredischargeddischarged His order of dismissal ex exempted exempted exempted ¬empted certain members of the companies companiesfrom comp companiesfrom nles nlesfromfrom punishment punishment Presumably he was wasconvinced wasconvinced wasconvincedconvinced that not all of the enlisted enJ ted men menIn menIn menInIn the barracks the night of the riotous riotousdisorder riotousdltiorder riotousdisorderdisorder In Brownsville were remotely remotelyconnected remotelyconnected remotelyconnectedconnected with the commission of the thecrime thecr1me thecrimecrime or had any knowledge of Itf jt per perpetrators perpetmtors perpetrators ¬petrators By a parity of reasoning it Is Isplain Isplain Isplainplain that all of the others discharged dischargedhad dischargedhad dischargedhadhad guilty knowledge aqd therefore thereforewere thereforeftre thereforewerewere parties to a conspiracy to protect protectthe protocte protectUmethe e criminals In this view of the subject subjectthe subjectthe subjectthethe War Department probably will not be beencouraged beencouragoo beencouragedencouraged by b the President to permit the thereenlistment thereenllstment thereenilstmentreenlistment ot any of the nearly 200Iblack soldiers who were ere dismissed Their Theirconduct Theirce1Mhct TheIresuductconduct in the deliberate judgment judgmen of ofPresident ofPrasld8ftt ofPresidentPresident Roosevelt Ro Ro evelt was criminal criminalThe criminalThe criminalTheThe War Department by direction of ofthe orthe ofthethe President can permit to bo taken takenback talOftback takenbackback Into the tIt army such of the soldiers loldlclSInOlved soldiersInvolved soldiersInvolvedInvolved as It may see fit lit But aa all of ofthem ottheIR ofthemthem have been declared by the PraWflent PraWflenttoto be criminate it does not seem likely likelythat likelyUaat likelythatthat he will direct that any ot them be bereenlisted berllated hereenlistedreenlisted Hence it cannot ba soon how howCengraertonal howCeftgrl howCingresekinalCengraertonal Ceftgrl ll ftl Interference of any sort sortcan sortcall sortcancan bring relief to the soldiers affected affectedby atr6ctedby affectedbyby the order It would therere seem soembeat seembdt seembestbeat for the good of the t service that thattJte thattJtesutded the thesubject thesubjectsubject be droppedThe droppedThe dropped droppedTheThe President is Conwnanderinehlef Cenu of oftbe ortIM oftbetbe army and navy and his h power a asuch as asuch assuchsuch uch can be abridged abrkl only by an amend amendment amondment anmondmeat ¬ment to the Constitution ConstitutionSenator eouUtuUonSeI ConstitutionSenatorSenator SeI Smoot to to speak in his h own ownbehalf ownbehalf wn wnbehaltbehalf in the Senate and H hardhearted hardheartedantlSmoot hardheartedantlSmoot d danUSlPOOtantlSmoot paper out in Salt Lnko is ismean 18mean Ismealtmean enough to say that he is just the thekind thflkhwl thekindkind of client tt t > be his own lawyert lawyertAn In lawye lawyejl wyell wyellflRflR jl An Indiana woman ninetyone years of ofags ofas ofageage as bucked Ave bushel of corn the other otitorday ot116rclay otherdayday tad was given vn a kiss for finding a red redear redear rodearear Girls will be girls out in Indian IndianAmerican IndlamAmerican IndIandAmericanAmerican American women do not walk they theywiggle they1iS theywigglewiggle 1iS says a Chicago Ch minister At him himEdward hintEdward himEdwardEdward Bok BokSenator BokSeater BoltSenatorSenator Bailey seems to have made J1Ni e a agreat amllttake agreetgreat mistake in getting elected to the UtiSe theSenate theSenateSenate Se from fexu exas instead of Rhode RhodtConGrnMUI Iii laiCongressman IiiCongremoensCongressman Hard Hardvick wick wants the rail railroads raIlroads ¬roads 1 to institute the block system The Theproposition Thepropo Thepropositionproposition propo will hardly get by Uncle Joes Joesblock Joesblock Joesblockblock system Vte this th session sessionA Oft OftAA lady astronomer has just unearthed unearthedthirtysix lDe1lrthedthtrty8Ix unearthedthirtysixthirtysix stars says 18 the Richmond RichmondTimesDispatch Rlekmen4lTlIft88DlltttAteh RichmondTimesDispatchTimesDispatch She must have fallen taUen taUena in inaa well headforemost headforemostWeWe sell great quantities of fireworks fireworksfor fireworkafor fireworksforfor Christmas celebrations in ths th South Southbut Southbut Southbutbut practically none north of Mason Jllas n and andDtxons a aDlxons andDixonsDtxons Mae says a drummer in an In Indtana Indiana Indianadiana paper Th T reason is clear to every everyIndiana everyIndiana 817 817IndianaIndiana man n Out there the people have haveSenator banSenator haveSenatorSenator Jfeveridge DeTerI4I make speeches to them themduring tM tMdurtD themduringduring < the holiday season seasonThe onTIle mesonTheThe indications are that our trusty lit little little IIItIe ¬tle friend fJ1end Japan te nxing Axl ng up Ut open opendoor oppdoor opendoordoor in the far East Ea t so that America Americacommerce Amertoacommeree Ameriaacommercecommerce can walk right in and turn turnaround tantaround turnaroundaround around and walk right t out again againJohn againtr galn galntrtr tr John D Rockefeller must look upon uponChancellor u ucbaaceUor uponChancellorChancellor Day in about as favorable a attght alight I II18htlight as the average man looks upon pay payday XTda7 paydayday dayAA Coagrenaional committee will next nextvisit JMXtvlldt nextvisitvisit Panama P KvMeaUiy the talk hasnt hasnta Sftt Sfttaa a good start rt yet yetA yetA t tAA volcano near Honolulu te spouting spoutingmud spotl spotliliad spoutingmudmud Hre lira brimstone M and a few other othervolcanic Othervokamsic It Itvolcaicvolcanic adjuncts from three cones On Oncone ODe ODecone Oneconecone would not make 1IIk enough loNe to at attract attraet attract ¬tract a corporals guard these days daysAnother da7LAaot daysAnotherAnother er convincing convlnciD evidence of Japans Japansrapid Japaasrapid Japansrapidrapid absorption of modern em ideas lei of dvil dvilteatfon elvUItIoft dviiIsattonteatfon te found in the fact that a a CIa Cincinnati CIadJmad CIadanati ¬cinnati firm bac ha Just been given the right rightto10 pat up a monster distillery In the tAecIoIa th king kingdon kingViedon donVice cIoIaViceVice Vie President Fairbanks raarJl ruled the Paa Panama Paal6etww PaaaA ¬ama pictures out of the Concreseional ConcreseionalRecord C acr8llMlioaaJnL COgreseIOaAIRecordRecord nL TIle Record teconlla te a a poor advertising advertisingmedium advertisingmemum vwts6llg vwts6llgItmedium mediumItIt Is already merry 17 Cnrtetwas for tha thatypewriter etypewrttw tJi tJitiPewriteattypewriter tiPewriteat at the White House HouseThat HoaaeTbat HouseThatThat life Insurance oOctal who has bean beansent beIet beensentsent t to prison for two years for stealing stealingJ7JW stealingi1i7 J7JW i1i was a mere upOc piker ksr The msaary msaaryamount JDJaoant masidyamountamount he stole proves It ItA It ItA ItAsA As Commander Robert Pearys gold goldmedal goldmedal poldmedalmedal has no Hkeneas Itk of Mr Carnegie Carnegieupon cr crupon Carnegieuponupon it It some people pes are apt t to believe it itcounterfeit ItcouoterCeit itcounterfeitcounterfeit counterfeitJapan couoterCeitJapu counterfeitJapanJapan te I enjoying the delights of or a apackteghotMe apacldac apacklnghoueepackteghotMe pacldac scandal Thorn 16 te nothing nothingtoo JIOtJdagtoo nothingtootoo uptodate for Japan JaMaA JapanA Jape JapeAA Boston man has dug up a a lot of oN oNleUel1l oldletters M Mlettersletters to prove pro that George Washington Washingtonwaswas WIt a a liar This thing te spreading sprugttrely en entirely entbely ¬tirely too far farAs CarAM farAsAs a mark of especial honor r to Santa Santadam sataCJaU1 Sant Santclausdam the Congressional Con Record Recertl11n will new newsuspend newsuspend ow owapendsuspend until after the holidays holidaysMr boIIc11l7LIIr holidaysMrMr Roosevelt has consented to address addresstbe adelr adelrtIM addressthetIM National Editorial Association at its itsnext Itallext Itsnextnext meeting There Th will 1I1 be nothing no riAg novel novelin noveIIa noveliiiin tat hi telling teUIa the editors how to run their theirpapers theirpapers theirpaperspapers Everybody does that thatThe thatThe thatTheThe statement tet that Senator Bailey DAU y car carries carries carrice ¬ries his b pistol pl in his valise ne is a base libel libelinvented If1MIInventecl libelinventedinvented by Ms enemies Texas would wouldnever wouldftev wouldnevernever ftev r stand for suck euc a practice practiceAA Georgia lumber dealer enraged be because 1e 1eCU8e bemuse ¬cause a railroad would not furnish him himcars himcarM 1dmcarscars wrote rote the company COrnp ny a hot roast la larhyme lara inrhymerhyme ra Something dreadful dr Adful was S bound beundta geulldt boundtota happen to the roads oh on account of this thiscar thiscar thiscarcar shortage shortageThe abortalfTbe shortageTheThe Philadelphia minister who is trying tryingtoto prove that Adam and azitiEve Eve were colored coloredwill coJoredw coloredwillwill In time be advancing a4vaucln the theory that thatBve tJIlBve thatveBve ve was tempted with a watermelon watermekKtAgccl watermelenge1 watermelonAgedAged ge1 n nlll She Traveled TraveledFrom TrnelerlFIOla TraveledFromFrom harpers Weekly WeeklyDr WeeIIl WeeIIlDr WoollyDrDr Russell H Conwell the famous famouspastor famouspaator famouspastorpastor of the Baptist Temple In Phlla Philadelphia Phlladplphl Phlladelphi ¬delphi in a lecture delivered in New lewHaven NewHaveR NewHavenHaven not long ago predicted wonder wonderful wondertul wondertnt ¬tnt progress pr resa in rapidtransit facilities facilitiesinin the near nKr future future and at the same sametime sametime De DeUmetime deprecated the slowness of pres present present prosent ¬ent railroad travel To illustrate this thislMInt thisHlnt thispointpoint Dr Conwell told an amusing amusingstory amuslogstor amusingstorystory stor > of a woman who was traveling travelingwith traellngwith travelingwithwith her child The train was delayed delayedby delAYedby delayedbyby many manv tiresome and seemingly un unnecessary unnet unnecessary ¬necessary net ry stops and when the con conductor cendMCtor conductor ¬ductor was collecting fares the woman womanrefused womnrefuHd womanrefusedrefused to pay for her little girl girlTbat gJrlThat girlThatThat child Is I om olft enough to have her herfare hertare herfarefare paid p ld said the conductor very verysternly verysternly ery erysternlysternly sternlyWell sternlyYelJ sternlyWellWell perhaps she is old enough enoughnow enoughno enoughnownow no replied the woman but she shewasnt sbewunt shewasntwasnt when the train started startedAA Vinonn Rebuke RebukeFrom Itcbukeln Rebukel1rsesFrom the New York l eR Press PressThs lrfSTh FreesTheThe Th girl was with two young men menOne menOne menOneOne was a charming fellow and the theothCtr theother I Iotherother was a cad The charming fel fellow fellow tellowlow ordered a bottle of white wine wineWhen wineWhen winoWhenWhen the waiter poured it the gad gadturned oadturned cadturnedturned his glass down downII dont care for still wines said he heloftily heloftn heloftilyloftily loftilyI loftn loftnrI suppose smiled the girl that ie iebecause Iebecause isbecausebecause youd you l like the whole dis distillery dl dltnler dItillery ¬tillery tnler S SFactsFacts in h the Case CaseJrn CasePram j jTrwtPram the ChiMgw CiIiCII Nose XewgLawyer NewlJLawyer NoseLawyerLawyer examining witness wltn05sDo witnossDoknow Do you youknow ytlUknowknow the man who formerly owned this thisgun this thisgua thisgungun gunWitness guaWltneYesWitness WltneYes Yes sir sirLawyer sirLawyerIs sirLawyerIsLawyer LawyerIs Is he In the courtroom aourtroomWitness courtroomJtn courtroomWitneesNoWitness WitneesNo Jtn No sir sirLawyer sIr sIrLawyerVhere slrLawyevWhereLawyer LawyerVhere Where is he heWitness heWJtnessI heWItnessI iWitness WJtnessI I dont know knowLawyer knowLwyerhen knowLawyerWhenLawyer Lwyerhen When and where did you OU seahim last lastWitness IllStWltnessSI lastWitnessSIWitness WltnessSI Six months ago ago agoat at t his hlstuperal hlstuperalCareful funeral funeralCarcfnl ftneralCarefulCareful of Appearances AppearancesFrom AppearanceFromJFrom the Philadelphia P rkiIndd lladelpb Press PressYIs PressYIs PressYIsYIs YIs maam said Bridget Bridget Ill be be1avin be18vln belavin1avin 8 I dent likeye thot snip of a adude adude adudedude thot does be callin on Miss lIss Mabel MabelThe MabelThe MabelTheThe idea exclaimed exolaimedImer her mistress < Hedoesnt call to see YQu so what whatII know he dont maam but Im Imafraid Imafraidsome o the neighbors might mIght think thinkhe thinkhe thinkhehe doesIt A LITTLE NONSENSE NONSENSESOMETHING NONSENSES03IElJUNG NONSENSESOMBllIIXCSOMETHING WRONG WRONGNow WRONGNow VRO G GNowNow every one buy buys let Iota of things thingsAnd thingsAnd thingsAndAnd no one to hi hip money men mone clings clingsII wit wisYou witYou hYou something buy ef course for ma maSomething maSomeUalnf innSomethingSomething for brother couatn P PAnd PI PIAnd paAndAnd AndTiten si siThen sin sinThenThen ma for you bays something tblng fine fineAnd nneAnd lineAndAnd All the rest fall Into line lineI 11M 11MI 110II weon weonYet weonYet veonYetYet go awry wry things t lJlp someKew w do doYou doYou doYouYou later find that buncoed yo yoHave yell YIHIHIl yellHavebeenHave HIl Havebeen HavebeenThere been beenThere b6etLf b6etLThere fThere is a lesJc somewhere 8OtMW re abet abetOf CMItOf aboutOfOf that there can b he little tfaubt tfaubtI eubt eubtI IlK IlKII wet wetPer wotPOI wetPerPer see eecIeDy deny it if ItYou you am amYou ensYouYou gave gay a lot mere presents pre ents than thanYou thanYotl thanYenYou got sotAnd gotAnti gotAndAnd Promptly I rOlJ1ltth Give < hc It ItWeil ItWell ItwellWell Jaws Jut able t 4 Jt up If and nd tak taknotice take takeootJee takenS Siae x xYeenotice ootJeeo n ticeo Yee iae but dont my that again againWhy issinWby In InuW1ayuW1ay Why mistY notrThe DOt DOtTH mistYTheThe cook might Igllt hear hearThe bearThe hearFlieThe Woman Who Shop ShopShes ShopShe ShopShesShes She happy now depend dependHer deP8ndHer dependHerHer joy to Quite intense intenseShe IateAfthe intonesSheShe ha hi the day to spend spendAiid apMGA spoiidAndAnd A d likewise Ilkw fifty cents centsThnt centsThn centsThatThat Thn t Get Gets Em EmDert BmDere ThinDoveDove an lots ob folks struttin struWaarouoo struWaarouoowit around aroundwf aroundwitwit motes In detr eyes ey declared Pawon PawonPotluck P PnrionPotluck Oft OftPotJPotluck PotluckAn PotJ PotluckAnPotJAIIAn beams Biama too tOOo commented ed Deacon DeaconJotawtoc DeMOnJ DeMOnDca DeaconJoluislugJotawtoc JotawtocDasa J JoluislugDamDam right rJ t But lemma ten ye mat matbrudder mal malbnl4der ma mabrudderbrudder la cae cue ob a cinder den yeaS youllMB you youMe yeaSseeMB en nawto 1Open Season SeasonAA burnt child dreads d the flee fleeWhat ftcWbat Sr SrWbatWbat of It ItNothing ItNothblg ItT ItTNothiagNothing It would GUM be well v l1 It the thestaged tJtesIn thesingedstaged sIn 4MI Santa were aa sensible sensibleTlint sensibleFlint bIe bIeThatThat Agonized Expression llxprcsslonWhat ExpressionWhat XIJrclIJlonWhatWhat means that glare the women womenwear womeawear womanwetrwear I aaked a ed of pretty Grace G Gone OrsonBe GraceBeBe not afraid replied the maid maidThais maJdTbts meldThatsThais just j the Christmas face faceTHE faeeTHE faceTHETHE INNOCENT 3YSTANIER 3YSTANIERWilE BYSTANDER BYSTANDERJTHKWilE CHRISTMAS SHOPPER SHOPPERUp snOPPBRU SIIOPIRRUpUp U from her bed at break of day dayFllttnff dayFllUDg dayFifingFifing the household with wit fresh dismay dismayThe d dThe ditmyTheThe harried and worried air she wore woreToW woreToW woreToldToW that her shopping was on once more moreAnd moreAINl moreAmidAnd she flew with a rush through throughopen the theopen th thopenopen door doorA doorAM doorAsA AM we knew she had don doM in the days ot otFor OC7OA ofyore7OA 7OAPol yore yoreForFor Christmas waa twenty t ty days away awayShe awayShe awaySbShe Sb plunged pi snow in the shopping f era eraAM ray rajrAnd rayAadAnd lb aha sought and punted and looked lookedn look lookall lookedaftall n day dayAnd ciaADd dayAndAnd all th the next nexLoiui on and all the next nextAnd Rext RextAnd nextAndAnd day by day she was more perplexed perplexedfft IeI IeIer perplexedOerfft Oer er gift gifts for friends and for foes t and andkin aJMIda andkinkin kinShe da daShe kinSheShe grew W disheveled and pale pub and thin thfaWhen tlltllW1tea thinWhenWhen Christmas wag fifteen days away awayVw aware awarelor awar awarlorlor there is a shopping g street Net in town townA OwaA townAA good oed broad highway iMMMap S down downThrough d downThrough wa waTbrvuPThrough row rows of vrasmtoererowded vrasmtoererowdedstores prsntoererowdedstores to rowded rowdedWIUastores storesWith storesWithWith deeming window and yawning yawningdoors 7wegdoon yawningAaddoors doorsAnd doonAJMIAnd swbt she entered ctnIIII and ran about aboutAnd abeNtADd aboutAndAnd looked and pandered P8Gdn and hastened hasteMdout hastenedoutout outAnd out outAJHI outAndAnd Christmas was only oat l tan t days n away awayWith awayWith1With weary Angers she clutched her list JlBtkb listWith listWtthWith kb haggard rd eyes e ana ale found all shed shedmiwHrt shedaimed hedSbeaimed miwHrtShe aimedSheShe sped from Jewels to brfcabrae brfcabraeTo bI1ca bI1calo brieabrasToTo tdjra t to drescM d and harried back ukered beckSbSka Sb asd chart aha suffered ered from hand to toiWVsWfj toheeIa toheelsheels heeIaShe heelsIltie iWVsWfj iWVsWfjSheShe lost h her r steep and she fee mimed her hermeals herSIN hernoakmeals mealsShe noakSbShe Sb frowned and fumed and ana Me di rushed mahedlike Mdlib rushedlikelike mad madTo 1MdTo medToTo mak make her frtenda and relations glad gladI sWAIId gladAndI And Christmas was w only pal five days away awayAt awayAt awayAtAt last she sank with a stifled sdAedAad moan moanAnd moanAmidAnd cheeked her list with a a weary verYAIICI groan groanAnd greenAadAnd signed Thank heaven n Ive r got gotthem sottMna gotthemthem aH aHFrom nilPtomFrom PhI water uer bottle to rubber ball ballFrom bellFront II IIJIFrom JI selMa bracelet to shoes of felt feltFrom telt teltFroIu f sit sitFromFrom Jingle booklet to silver sUrerbolt sUrerboltBut v belt beltBut HltButBut But oh my gracious she dropped the thelist tIMut thehitlist listAnd utAM hitAmidAnd clenched her fingers late a net netMy Act ActJIlT SatMyMy band present Ive rv not got gotthat gOtthat gotthatthat thatShe thatShethatgrabbMIShe grabbed umbrella 111II and iid coat and bat batFor Ator hatForFor Christmas was only one day away awayHurrah a aHarrah awaySS r S 0 0 0HurrahHurrah hurrah for pink p cravat cravatHurran erafttHurnLA csavatHurrsnHurran for her who shopped PPtd tel that thatAnd tbfltAnd thatAndAnd when hew her beauteous beaut fact aft you youFramed youFnunecI s sFramedFramed by b the green of the Christmas Christmastree ChrilltJR8strw Christmastreetree treeThrre treeThvs I ITItThrre TIt while the laughter lauSbt r goes Urand fro froTake froTake IreTakeTake down the necktie and whisper per low lowThis 101rbls lowFbIiThis rbls te the necktie that saved the day dayWbm da daWJttoa dayWhenWhen she rushed anew to the shopping shoppingfray Moppingfrqr shoppingfrayfray frqrTo frayTo v vToTo choose cbooseber her husband a gift to prove proveThat proveThat mne mneTbatThat ana she could arise and eeuid get t a aWhen aWbeft amoremore moreWheiiWhen Christmas wa WU only IT a day away awayOXB awayOltB awayONilOXB GOOD TURKS TUlt OBSERVES AC ACAlfred tCAlfred C CAlLredAlfred says the U beauteous creature creatureI1 nave have v a little Christmas remembrance remembrancefor reDWtm rnce rnceforfor you and I hope you will like it It al although 111thiNtfh 1 1though ¬though I know it is I not half as nice as asIt ftSIt asItIt might be Here It is It Is a necktie necktiethat necktiethat necktiethtthat I have baye made for you all by myself myselfII do so hope it will please you youTherk yourbark youTharkTherk you Knnyntrude says Alfred Alfredwith Ar Arwttb Alfredwithwith a a wan smile And knowing that thatyou thatyouwoud thatyouyou youwoud would give me something JOmtU ag that you youhad youbad youhadhad made mAd with your own fair hands I Itoo Itoo Itootoo have made ma something for you 0 Here Hereit Hereit Hereitit Is or they are are Just AS you choose to tokx toook tolookkx look k at it I or them It Is a pair p lr of ofgtev orte ofgievgtev te really although I confess e It does doesrc doere doesresemnblerc resemnble nbfe a pair I of sofa ta pillows Why Whyrmyntrud 1 1Erm7lltru4aErmyntruoe rmyntrud what can be the matter matterBut matterBut matterButBut Ernfyntrude with a haughty hau hty air has hasleft hasJdt haskitleft the room WILBUR XUtmiT XUtmiTShippers SJlSUlTSI11lJper8 NWSIIITShippersShippers Mar Iny Bo nt Fault FaultFraa FnuItFrem FaultPromProm the New ew York Journal of Oomrc OomrcThere IMrceThere CoennerceThereThere are re many indications that ship shippers shippers shippert ¬pers are muck at fault for or the car short shortage shortage shortage ¬age not only in delaying dela > 1ng shipments but butin butIn butinin being glow about bout loading and about aboutunloading a aboutunloading bout boutunlotldlngunloading using cars an unnecessary unnecessarylength unDeCa6S1lryleagth unnecessarylengthlength of time tlm on side tracks for storage storageIt storageItIt is quite possible that the fault is not notentirely notentire notentirelyentirely entire with the railroads raJlro s and investiga investigation Investlgatlon investigution ¬tion should not be onesided onesidedlint onesidedut onesidedlintlint ut Thnts Different DifferentFrom DitTcrentPn DifferentFreesFrom Ui U lUdmMod n TfeaesDlspatoh TfeaesDlspatohSays TltMrlDispatOOSaYs TIusaBliNtobSaysSays The Washington Herald A Roch Rochester Rochoster Rochester ¬ester man is said to take four steps stop a asecond aseeond asecondsecond five feet at a a stride Thats prob probably probbly probably ¬ably bly the way he takes them when get getrang getfing getThsgfing rang out of Rochester But suppose he hewas hewas hewaswas going from rom Rochester to Plttsburg Plttsburgwall Pfttsburgwall Plttsburgwellwall what then thenFirm thenFIrm thenFirmFirm in the Snddle SnddlePraia SnddleJmm SaddlePrernPraia the fit SI Leak PMtrDhpatcb PMtrDhpatcbJapans P PO DiIpada tPDMeadIJapans DiIpadaJIpJapans JIp ns great general has been thrown thrownfrom thrownfrom thrownfromfrom his horse hors ang 1U1 seriously injured injuredThere InjuredThore injuredThereThere Is no horse that cn throw our ourCommanderinchief ourCommanderinchlef ourCommanderInchiefCommanderinchief CommanderinchiefiS The Peerless Lags LagsFrom LngsFrem LagsFranFrom the Perthwd Ortgoabu OrtgoabuWith Or OreanWith lo loWithWith President Roosevelt pinning pinning the thsNobel theNobel theNobelNobel medal on the lapel of his Sunday Sundaycoat Sun Sundaycoat ncoat 0081 it behooves bthoev 8 Mr Bryan B 3n to do some something somothing something ¬thingAn Uneasy Unea Hark HarkFraa lilnrlcFrem MarkFreesFrees t U s AtteMta Georgian GeergianMoney GianMony GeorgianMoneyMoney may be easy e S but the trouble is isthat Isthnt Isthatthat the man who has it isnt isntImperialism ISiItImperiaUsm isntImperialismImperialism ImperialismFrem ImperiaUsmFr S SFromFrom UK ColtraWa Cah Wa State StateT StatTe StateToT Te Washington Vashlngtonthe the course of empire empiretakes empiretake empiretakestakes take It way aY iICAPITOL GOSSIP GOSSIPForakcr GOSSIPIForIcer4 4FornJForakcr FornJ r anil nUn the President PrcKiilontSenator PreHlrlcl1tsna PresidentSinaturSenator sna r Fonakers veiled ltfH1 attack upon uponthe Upont uponthethe President In It the speech the facile facileOhio tacl1eO facileOhOhio O Oh sttHteaman atatfSltin made yesterday ye teJ1lay on the thediseharge tlewltht tiediojsargediseharge without wltht t honor of the negro negrotroans negrotnHtJll negrotroopstroops baa called lied attenUab anew to the thereNUiong therehittoRli therehitlonereNUiong between him hi and the BxecuUvv BxecuUvvMr ZxecuUvMr ZxocuttvtMrMr Foraker was the ftrst man of com comrounding romng cornnutnhsgrounding ng influence in the counsels of his hteparty bJpart hispartyparty to declare d lar uncompromisingly for forMr forJilt forMvMr Roosevelt Roo vett for President in i ttM l He Hemads UPda Hefluidsfluids da his declaration soon after Mr MrRottevait MrnOOleveit MrRooseveltRoosevelt had succeeded President Pre ldeDt ldeDtIOnle Mr MrKJnley MeRinleyIOnle KJnley when Mark Iark Hanna wan w generally generallysupposed generallysupposed e erally erallypposupposed ppo to b be plotting against asa t the UI need nomination nOlltIJIIltlon needtIUn ¬nation tIUn of Mr r Roosevelt It was the theopening thenenlnr theopeningopening gun in the th campaign which re resulted re reIn snmelted ¬melted In unanimous nomination by ac acdainatioa action accltfondainatioa tion at Chicago in June of 1H In Inrecant InJt8e8nt Inrecentrecant months the relations aUoa between the theBrMldent tbePrMlt thePreiIdrastBrMldent and the Senator tor may J be de described deHCrI dcmiCribed ¬scribed ed as one of o armed neutrality They Theynava Theyhave inava lean had no open quarrel but it te I well wellunderstood wellultfl8r welluptionitoodunderstood teod in weAlnformed circles that thatoeh Uaatlieh thatWchoeh lieh is eagerly pdy watching wa teWn the other and andstorm andaleshag I Iawarstorm aleshag away in memory m mory Incidents Ind that thatmay tbltdrawn thatmaymay be drawn upon at the proper time timefar thu thur i ierfar er r political purposes es Whether tbe tbeOakwn theOhioan I IObloanOhioan Obloan is I a candidate for the next Presi Presidential Presidential Presidential ¬dential nomination te quite beside th thmain the tltftmain themainmain i Iq question now If that were ere the theprincipal tlteprtMlpl theprinoipsiprincipal cause they t 7 would have been on oncordial oncortllat oncordialcordial terms until the President made Jt Jtevident JteYMIent itevidentevident that he h favored Secretary rtary Taft aa aahie ulUll ashislUll successor The Th breach developed be before be betel belbsa ¬fore tel it was known that Mr Roosevelt Rooseveltwaa RooHvcllwu Rooseveltwaswas looking with greatest favor upon his hteSecretary b bSecretarT hisSecretarySecretary of War for tbe Presidential Presidentialsttccesaion Pre Presidentialseocise4on kJentlal kJentlalnccsttccesaion ncc 88 Thus the interesting question questionstill queatIoa8111I questionstillstill remains What 7bat caused tile feeling of ofantagonism ofutagonism ofantagonismantagonism between Senator Foraker and andPresident aaclPr81dnt amidPresidentPresident Roosevelt RooseveltFnirlmiikM ROOHv RooseveltFairlalaks t tlinlrhnnkJCFnirlmiikM u a Fn Fast nt t Walker WalkerSeveral WalkerSeveral PnUcer PnUcerSeveralSeveral days ago an t4t overfat journalist journalistJoined jeurnaUatjOined JournalistjoinedJoined a Senator of ordinary physique and andavoirdupois advelldupo andavoirdupoisavoirdupois velldupo In the Capitol for a walk walkdown 1Jkdown welkdowndown town They had not proceeded ed tar farbefore tarbefore tarbeforebefore beimg bi4n overtaken by Vice President PresidentFairbanks PrNldeatPalr1taakM PresidentFairbanksFairbanks The The trio glided stlcl up the lb Ave Avenue A Ayenue V Vnue ¬nue with the Vice President setting the thepace thepace thepacepace The Vice Presidential legs are long longand 100and longandand their stride te unconsciously unco great greatThey sreatTIley greatTheyThey had proceeded pr edM about two blocks blockswhen bleekav1MD blockswheatwhen the th corpulent Journalist waddling waddlinglike waddlla waddllame waddlinglIkelike me a Strasburg goose and puffing like a aporpoise ap apoeseporpoise allowed that be was w late and andregretfully aadresrcttl andregretfullyregretfully resrcttl ly must take a car The Vice VicePresident V1cePreeklent VicePresidentPresident expressed e regret declaring that thathe thatlie thatbehe had hoped to have the pleasure Ice IceThe c cThe cTueThe fat Journalist then had to succumb succumbunder nccuJDbtIMer succumbunderunder the established order of thing to toWashington btI btWasllbt1olt InWashington IWashington and continue the walk walkMaybe walkfa walkMaybefa Maybe Im walking too fast tutI tug SORgeatied tuggtedgeatied I Mr Fairbanks FairbanksNot JlalrbanksNot FairbanksIfotNot at t all said Id he of the corpulency corpaiiicTalmost corpulencyalmost ialmost choking from the doable exertion exertionof exertlodof i iotof keeping his breath and of uttering ut a afalsehood atl8Hood afalsehoodIfalsehood which the Vies Vie Presidents eye eyepmhtr eyeA epmhtr discerned discernedtwoA o1 dowse pace w was set for a block or orl Orttwo l WD Then Tbe it was quickened Into its origi original ItPrapWtty oitInj ¬nal rapidity By into time the Senator Senatorbegan SenatOlbegaa Senatorbeganbegan to show signs of fatigue and IUItlor needof toss tossofof breath Luckily Luckll the Raleigh Hotel Hotelwas HotelwasI IWailwas reached about that juncture juDct of at affair atfairs atfair ¬fair fairs and the Senator declared that he heand heand 1 1andand the fat journalist had an engagement engagementin Iin that hostelry hostel would the Vice Presi President PIwfcleat Presideirt ¬dent excuse them Ac AcThats c cThatsIThats twice Ive r rv tried to keep up upwith upwith upwithwith the Vice President on the walk walkhome walkw wallchornshome said the Senator after Mr Fairj Fair Fairbanksbanks had gone on his I way and I Ishant IbaDt Ishantshant try It any an more JDO He has no Id Idhow 1 Ides Ideshow I IbOWhow fast he walks because his legs are areabnormally arerman areabennnaulyabnormally rman Ions and his stride Is COrA correspondingly COrAy serrsspondingly ¬spondingly y great He wants to be soda sociable 8OdaWe sodabin ¬bin and democratic dttl OCra tic and all that sort of ofthing oftJaIa ofthingthing tJaIa but he h will have baY to learn how to toadapt tobl toadsptadapt his gait to that of ordinary per pereens perbetore peromieens before he can hope to be popular populara as asa asaa walking companion companionSyfc oempanlons7tag companionstyingSyfc s7tag g which IIteb while vbIIethe whlI attteMns ate breath breaththe breatthethe Senator then ordered something somethinga SOMetIaIaCcer qul qulsspaa sspa a bracer bracerIlnlc cerIInle er erhalehale Spoke Out OatSenator Outstor OutSenatorSenator Hale responded l to a summons summonsto summonsto Rat 11 S Stoto the White House a f lOw w wSaor days ago agoSenator agoSenatorSenator said W the President after afterpassing attarlUlltag sitespassingpassing the time of day da with the ehair ehairmaa eIIaIroC ebalrmanman of the Senate Commtttee on Naval NavalAffairs Nan NanAtlairs NavalAalrsAffairs Affairsthe w hero lit 1 tM draft et a bill 011 011be on onthethe navy personnel I nuttier which I very verymuch veryMaC verymuchmuch want t to have ve enacted at thte see session M8setor seesins ¬sins sionSenator sinsSenatOrSenator Hale took the document documentIt and andscanned andmannedscanned it carefully for several minutes minutespending mtnutespeadiDg minutespendingpending which silence reigned reignedSounds relDedSou reignedSoundsSounds like a very good ood MM bill Mr Pros President Pr Prldeat ProsIdent ¬ident ldeat said the statesman from Maine MaineMost MaineMeet aIDe aIDeMostMost of the points you seem to have in inmind inmind innihedmind are ar apparently covered here But ButMr But ButMr ButMrMr President PresIdent all legislation 1 8latlon Is initiated initiatedby Initiatedeope initiatedbyby Congress Therefore I shall have to towait towatt towaitwait for a bill oa this subject to be In Introduced hItroduced introduced ¬troduced in the regular way before I can canbe canbe canbebe prepared to pass Judgment upon It ItThen It ItThen itThenThen the chairman of the Committee Committeeonon Naval Affairs suddenly eucIde changed cha S the thesubject tlteIiUbjcct thesubjectsubject and soon be proceeded ptO C II tot with char charac eMracerstIcaJly characerintIeuHyac acerstIcaJly critically calm dignity out of lite MJxeeuUft liteExecutive be bexecutIveExecutive omcea omceaTlic ome omeThc olilcesTueThc Cost of Llvlitjf LlvlitjfAA member of the Cabinet who waa waafrankly waafrankly wasfranidyfrankly rejoicing the other et thei day over the thepassage tIaepuuce thepassagepassage by the House of a bill increasing increasingthe Incrln Incrlnthe Increasingthethe salary of Cabinet officers from fromto leiS 9MMto leiStoto 12m iz declares that even with 1tb the thepropoHCl theproposedproposed increase the Presidents official officialadvisers oaldalclvlatu1I ellismiadvisersadvisers will not receive enough from the thegovernment theIjOV thegovernmentgovernment IjOV rnment with which hlclt to meet the abso absolutely absolutely o olut ¬lutely lut ly necessary coat of living here and andmaintaining andmalntalnlag andmaintainingmaintaining their positions U A thousand thousanddollars thousanddollars thousanddollarsdollars a month said be sounds big bt to totb totn totb0tb tn average person living 1Iv1a the average life lifeof lifeot lifeofof the American citizen It sounded 1 big bigto bigto bigtoto me before I came to Washington as a aCabinet aCablnt atabInetCabinet officer to live Everybody knows knowsI knowII am not extravagant ectra a t in my tastes as asalso asAIM asalsoalso everybody knows that my wife te a agood Ilm1IAfer agoodgood manager Only Onl a few evenings ago agowe acewe agowewe went over our books and accounts accountsand accountsand accountsandand while we knew that our living JtI ex expenses expensee ¬penses Ma had gone up tremendously in inWashington InWubl InWashingtonWashington Wubl ton still we were not prepared preparedtoto believe hell ne that they have averaged H70M H70Ma 11 11a 17010 17010aa year ever since we have been here I Ido Ido Itbdo tb not entertain as much as other mesa mtuRbars mesabars members ¬bars of the Cabinet Its because I am amnot amnot amnotnot rich and also because neither my mywife mywife maywifewife nor I care much for that sort of ofthing oCthing atthingthing but in spite of this wa 1 have had hadto ha4to hadtoto spend nd every year tI KQM more inns than t n my mysalary JR JRalar nysalarysalary alar at present amounts to toBoth toBoth toBothBoth Were Noncommittal NoncommittalLrfmgworth NoncommittalSpeaker oncommittnlSpeakerSpeaker Cannon and RepreseAtatte RepreseAtatteTong1OOrlh RopresentaUeLongwerthLrfmgworth the Presidents aoninlaw aoninlawwere onlnIILwwere sonInlawwerewere In th the Senate chamber yesterday yesterdayduring yeaterdayduring yesterdayduringduring most of Senator Forakers severe severearraignment seerearraignment severearraignmentarraignment of the President in the mat matter mattr mattsr ¬ter of the t e discharge dlschar e of the negro negm soldiers soldlarsBack 80kUersEtick soldiersEachBack listened attentively attonttvel to the speech speechThey speechTRey speechTheyThey left the Senate together and nd were weremet weremet weremetmet in the hallway by a mutual friend friendWhat friendWhat friendWhatWhat do you think of Forakers Forakersspeech Forakersspeeeh Forakersspeechspeech 1 Inquired the friend of Uncle UncleJoe UncleJoe UncleJoeJoe JoeHThatHThat That question hasnt reached the UieHouse theHoe theHouseHouse yet and for that reason I must mustnot mustnot assistnotnot express eXpress an opinion upon its merits meritsor meritsOr meritsOror upon speeches dealing with it It an answered answered anowesed ¬swered the foxy Uncle Joe JoeWhat JoeWhat JoeWhatWhat do you think of it Nick per persisted persisted persistod ¬sisted the friendly interloper interloperClearing InterloperCle interloperCleatingClearing Cle rlng his threat the Presidents son soninlaw sonInlaw soninlawinlaw replied The Speaker has ex expressed expre5Hd oxpressed ¬pressed my views exactly accurately accuratelyOur accuratelyO accuratelyOurOur O r Struggles Xot Over OverFrem OerP1 OverFreesFrees fee St Lonfe PoetDkpaMu PoetDkpaMuThe PeetD PeetDThe POetDMpatolTheThe statement st tement of a statesman that We Wegot Wegot Wegotgot along along very well with the English Englishlanguage EngUshlanguage Englishlanguagelanguage until the reign of the present presentPresident presentPr6sldent presentPresidentPresident of the United States is not notperfectly nQtperfctl notperfectlyperfectly true A perusal perus l of the large largecorrespondence largeoorrespondence lasIccorrespondencecorrespondence of any large business will willreveal wIUreveal willrevealreveal that our struggles with the lan language 18nguage language ¬guage and especially the spelling have havebeen havebeen havebeenbeen long and fatiguing atiguiDEMPORIA AND NEW YORK YOBKIntcreMtliiff YORKIntereHUnA YORKInterestIngInterestIng Contrast Between cteen Two TwoAmerica Twoner1cnn TwotncriAmerica tncri ner1cnn iu Center of Population PopulationNew PopulntlonNew lopuiatlonNewNew York ork surely i d the e eatiagwt place pkicson plctceon placeonon this continent oo t1nent writes William Alien AlienWhite AllenWblte AlienWhiteWhite in the American Magazine for forJanuary forJanuary or orJanuaryJanuary In no other American town do dopeople doJOpIe dopeoplepeople spend pend so much time fussing around aroundtheir aroundtheir aroundtheirtheir food as they spend in New York YorkHere YorkHere YorkHereHere in Emporia the stores open at 1 1oclock 7ocleek 7 7oclockoclock and by 8 oclock elock all the merchants merchantsand merchantsalld merchantsandand professional rofe slonal people are at work vOrt wor For Foralthough Poraltbougla Foralthoughalthough the banks do not open until 9 9the 9 9the 9thethe bankers are down and andat at work by SdW SdWand S Saad 810andand Maj Hood who 4cr for tor years ran our ourleading OWIecIbIc ourledlngleading bank used to come down town at at73ft73ft and stay t y in his office until 6 oclock in inthe Intile Inththe th evening eveningThere evenlAgThere evenIngThereThere are no 9 oclock Jobs in BmporlK BmporlKand Emporlaancl lmportsandand every one rich and poor works nine ninehours nineouJw ninehourshours and many of us ten hours Most Mostof MOIttof Mostofof the clerks < gilt an n hour at noon but the theboss thecan thebomaauboss bomaau aa we call the head of a store or an anofltce Afto anolikeofltce o lce or a skap prarety rarefy takes over half Kn Knhour anhoer n nhourhour Most M men go home hoot for their noon noonmeal ROOnmeal noonmealmeal meal but a few harry over to the lunch lunchcounter lURChOCMI1Iter lunchcountercounter and spend I nd J5 or 20 S cents or at atmost atI atmostmost I S cents for roust roA beef bee and mashed mashedpotatoes lIMlabedpota mashedpotaespotatoes pota or stewed chicken and anddumpling 2JIddu anddumplingsdumpling du or fried cattish and coffee and andaa piece of tie pjeThe tieTb4t pieTheThe meal 1 baa no social significance as asIt asIt asitIt has In New York An Emporia man manwould Jn manwould n nwouldwould as soon ft think of inviting his hisfriends hisrrl8Dda hisfriendsfriends to take a bath with him as to totake totake totaketake lunch with him for groceries have havenot havenot haveRotnot got so far along in Emporia society societyaa aode y ydryaa dry goods goodsLittle goodsLittle ooc oocLittleLittle old New York Is provincial and andeven andeven andeveneven though New York te populated PDlatecl11th PDlatecl11thpeople with withpeople withpeoplepeople from Emporia and neighboring neighboringtowns neighboringtowna neighboringtownstowns these adopted New Yorkers forget forgetor forgetoror pretend to forget all about the old 01d1IIe oldborne oldhomeborne 1IIe town And Bmporia Empo mpOr1a a is provincial pr in inthat Inthat iiithatthat that even though we go to New York Yorkonce Yorkonce Yorkonceonce or twice a year we ignore the fact factthat faetthat factthatthat the very presence of 3090600 300e people peopleliving peopleIMng peoplelivingliving there argues that they live in some somedegree somed sonicdegreedegree d ef of comfort and satisfaction satisfactionWhat satisfactionWhat satisfactionWhatWhat New York cant see is > s bow we wecan pea wecana can live in Emporia neporIn with so little going goingon golagon goingonon at the opera house and what we cant cantsee cantIMe cantseesee te how a man who can have MO feet feetof feetof feetofof lawn and a kitchen garden to sprinkle sprinkiewith sprinklewith prink prinkwithwith the hose every evening after work workcan workean workcancan permit himself to be locked up in a along IlIon alonglong row of five and six story cellhousee cellhouseewith cen cenwith cellhouseswithwith nothing to distinguish diatlngu one cell cellhouse cellbouae cellhousehouse from the other but the number on onthe ontbe onthethe front door New York forgets that thatwe thatwe thatwewe have the family tamU horse and nd buggy and andcan andcan 00 00cancan go jogging < over town every shimmer shimmerevening sprnmerennlnc sjmmmereveningevening at twilight looking at our neigh neighbors nelghbo neighbore ¬bore bo porch boxes box and admiring their theirtrees thetrtr theirtreettrees tr and flowers and in the spring and andautumn andautumn andautumnautumn take long rides riel into the country countrywhere countrywhere countrywherewhere the panorama Is as good as Belasco Belascoever Belascoever Belascoeverever attempted and the th great comedy comedyof comedyof comedyofof life moves on without waits for the theshifting theablfU1Ic theshiftingshifting scene sceneAnd 1fCeDeADd sceneAndAnd we in Emporia inporla forget that New NewYork NewYork NewYorkYork baa the ocean and tbe great play playgrovnda playfor playgroundsgrounds for the grownups to which they theygo theyan theygogo when they escape from the ceilhousee ceilhouseeand ceilbousesand e eandand are happy happySUPREME happySUPREME happySUPREMESUPREME COURT SALARIES SALARIESof SALARIESPleaA Plea for Larger Pay for Members Membersof femJJer femJJerofof That Tribunal TribunalrYoia Trlhul1ulFr TribunalYvusrYoia tk tile New Yeifc l edr H 1IJd 1IJdThe lIesaldThe nld nldTheThe Supreme Court is the bulwark of ofthe ofthe ofthethe country against radical and inflamed inflamedCongresses il inflamedCongressesCongresses against knavish and preda predatory predatory prodstory ¬tory corporations against States which whichalarm wbleaJarm whichalarmalarm the Executive by their indifference indltereneetoto the federation and Rd against executives executiveswhowho might alarm the States by y extreme extremeviewsviews as to the use of Federal F era1 power powerThte GowerT1da powerThisThis great tribunal rises above bove political politicalracial poUtInLtfal politicalracialracial nLtfal and sectarian consideration It is isthe Isthe Isthethe most powerful and Important as well wellas w wellas l luas the most respected court in tie tl e world worldTbe worldTbe worldTheTbe expenses of its members in main malntaJnlDt maintatnin maintaining ¬taining tatnin their positions leave them little littleof ftUeof littleofof their salaries Jal1es at the end of the year yearThe 7rThe yearTheThe pay of the Supreme Court and all allthe allm ll llthethe Federal judges was increased a mere mereptttantoe I IeIeIIttaaIMptttantoe 12 A few years ago after a v v ryMId very veryhard ry ryhardhard fesMative e struggle but if Brad Bradstreets Bradstreets Bradstreetsstreets be correct eorreet this compensation compensationshould colDpenstlUonalMMdcl compensationshouldshould now be increased by > at least one onehalf on9bait oneIthalf halfIt baitItIt te high time that Congress s took cog cognizance cogJdizaJtce cogaizanee ¬nizance of this condition of affairs In InWashington InPuIttft InWashingtonWashington PuIttft toR and in large Jarg cities especial especially ¬17 every consideration requires that the theFederal theJledera1 theFdrnlFederal judges should be given a comport compensation coapenuloa comporttIon ¬sation tIon fitting to the Importance of their theirstation theirstatton theirstationstation and the th demands made upon them themby thembyby tbe expenses e < peDses of modern life lifeTHE JUeTRE lifeTIlETHE RAILROAD SITUATION SITUATIONOurOur highways HIJlnn Said to Be Between BetweenRoo DeheenROOHeyeIt BetweenRooseveltRoo Roosevelt evelt arid the D Deep eep Sea SeaFrav Seahi SeesFmaFrav the X Nor w York Sea SvaThe SeeTheThe outlook for the railroads ralllO te serious seriousSuch seriouleh seriousSuchSuch a a clamor was Ai never before heard as ashas ashashas arisen n for more cars Consignees Consigneeswont CoaslgBeeswont Consigneeswontwont unload the cars sent to them and aadthere andltfTe andtherethere te no way to compel them to do so soIndeed OIndeed soIndeedIndeed some State railroad commissions commissionsquick commissionsquick s squickquick to emulate Mr Roosevelts ex example examJi cxample ¬ample forbid the railroads from impos imposing Imposlag ¬lag < demurrage Jemu Iesnurrage charges for delay The Tberoads Theroada Theroadsroads are between Mr Roosevelt and the tbedeep tbtdeep thedeepdeep sea The gross earnings e are suffo suffocating iuttoC suffoeating ¬eating C them them the th net earnings are stead steadily steadII steadIly ¬ily II vanishing VIUll blng and behind all Is the theapecter theor thepeeterapecter of an Intolerable usurpation which whichmeans wblchmeans whichmesasmeans only bankruptcy and disaster disasterCommunities dlasterCommunlU disasterCommunitiesCommunities are howling for coal farm farmers farmen farmera ¬ers are distracted ted for means to get their theirgrain theirto theirgrhigrain to market merchandise of all kinds kindsencumbers kiadsencumben kindsencumbersencumbers the sidings and a chokes the therailroad erailroad therailroadrailroad yards and only open weather weatherpalliates weatherilatoe e ther therpalnatftlpalliates ilatoe the immediate prospect prospectBut M08pectBut prospectButBut never mind the railroads They Theyhave THeyhave Theyhavehave earned and am they fully deserve erve the thepunlnhnHMit thftpuniMunnt thepunishmentpunishment that is coming to tb them m If Ifthe Ittbt Ifthethe laws are not enforced ert rc4 we must make makenew makenew makenewnew law laws But what we want to knew is isHow isHow IsITowHow does a paternal and Illustrious lllu U10us ruler rulerpropose rulerINOPOM rulerproposepropose to provide for the unemployed unemployedmillions unempioyedmWlona unemployedmifltonsmillions who will presently appeal to his hisomnipotence hisomnlpoteM8 hisomnipotenceomnipotence for succor succorA suecor7 suecor7Ilre succorAA LIfe Job for Roosevelt RooseveltPren Ro08e RooseveltIrses eJt eJttMPren the Charlatan News aM Ceeckr CeeckrWhy CIMIderWhy CeselerWhyWhy not make Theodore T t1Odore Roosevelt Rooseveltpresident Rooseveltpre Rooseveltpresidentpresident pre ident of the Canal Zone to bold office officeuntil Oftlo6unUI officeuntiluntil the completion of the Panama PanamaCanal PanllMlCRftI PanamacanalCanal alter he has served ad out his present presentterm presstterm presenttermterm la the Whit hlte House That would wouldbe wouldbe wouldbebe disposing lAg of him hImn in a vary satisfactory satisfactorymanner 5aUstactormaaaer satlsfacter satlsfactermannermannerTime TimeKrosa Th TitusFroni le leIIKrosa Pack PackThe tlbe PeekTheThe Young Hostess HostessPapa Papa I wish youd youdrequest youdrequat youdrequestrequest tbe musicians not to play pl the thedance tl1edance thedancedance music so last lastHr fastIi lastliarHr Ii r Father FalherI I did my 1ft dear but the theleader theleader thelenderleader says the union calls for time timeand UntQaDC timeandand a half hal after an r midnight midnightTheyd mldolgntTheT1 midnightTheydTheyd Live to Regret It ItFrwa ItFftIM ItFromFrom UM Xttwaakee Smiled SwtiMlEven sdMIEven SmiledEvenEven if the Japs should take ke the Phil Philippines Phllipplne PhilIppines ¬ippines they would be sorry for it It The TheBoston IheB TheBostonBoston B ton antiimperialists would begIn baginsending begInae beginsendingsending ae dlng them their literature literatureCHICAGO literatureOHlCAGO literatureCHICAGOCHICAGO CHICAGOTT lW teBhtoa and fancy H seem t5t set the this thisBrery Uti UtiB1II1 thisBeeryBeery MBHB crass seas to afar s sI Ift IftI o oII TOMNbr IMW awtr ay hare e first had a a flta fltaAt AMAt 01aAtAt that gen el 1 all dttesOhieag dttesOhieagIf ddesOhieaaIfIf yow ea stilt to Is be really MTTT while there thereYett thereYouYou 0 B JIIU6t wt ROt 1st lift or mama go goFisr itPer goFrPer Tat part hare prad nIIle ee ee ad mtlt rnatherl matherlr erIr car carla can canI r rInla I that aptodate atyChicagof atyChicagofOMB citJ cityChicagoOmie < hIC8iOf hIC8iOfOaeeOMB Omie Venice Yen we read teas the bride of the sea seala aeaIii antIsla her gondolas glided lego legoThe ago agoTke lagoTheThe prmri Adriatk wcaW rank TirtntyyMte TirtntyyMteShwrid TwntrtbreeShould entttbite entttbiteSMuIdShould that am tr vesh ull b the shores of Chicago ChicagoNew ChicagoIMI ChicagoNewNew IMI Usiwtet na det we bow is the noblest ef ptejs ptejsMr JlaJS JlaJSIr pleysMlMr Ir lad Ute dukes dYke name was G Courage GoMagoBMt CourageBert ngo ngoBB Bert t te witae witeiga a a play pk umsi pan We Mwadaya MwadayaYea a walkJYM muadassYesYea moat go te the town of Chicago ChicagoIf C CIf QbtcageIfIf I erdy ed a package ek ef boob from the press pressII ip JPICti ndt ch prefer Adams ta Fargo FargoBut FarioDm FargoBetBut t t4J erocr enkr lnm nan Tartanu tiroufh t n h by express expressIt tX expressIt rcss rcssItIt mast cone by the war of Chicago ChicagoWhO CltiOlJgoWhlllt CottageWhiletWhO Whlllt nmaace and revel are all very flu flaeAad aeAM fluAndAnd sweet doth the sound of guitar go soStin gosunsun too leos to the label Jabel1 you you bare en your wins winsAnd wine wineADd wineAndAnd draw your own cork corkIn In Chicago ChteroA OhkaOhkaAA A S JIAKYE MlLRYEiiHEARD HEA D AT HOTELS HOTELSII am here to make the prediction that thatPretfldent thatP thatPre1dentPretfldent P dent Roosevelt Rooset will be reelected re tectd in In19O51886 19O5 and that be will have the th solid rap rapport MU MUporl support ¬port of both the great eat parti parties said aw Mr MrB lrlBlB B G Underwood Under a prominent citizen of ofMaiden orI etMaidenMaiden Mass a at the Ut Shoreham ShorehamTh ShorMmuThe ShorehamTheI uThe Th The Democrats fjfftOCratM will not only M a w > tt ttfuUlitj th thfutlltu tiifutilityfutility of putting op a eandidutf ug iIdlntt iIdlnttblan gdtnCthim inat inathimhim but they wfH wil support him cordially cordiallyespecially cordia cordiallyespecially Ib IbJHleiallyespecially JHleially the Southern Democrats au aufor ari arifor A Aforfor this substantial reason The Th Southern SoutisernP SouthlrnPMple SouthernpeopleP people ople know that the one project pro t of vital vitalimportance VitalImportnItft itrlImportanceimportance to the prosperity and develop development dpflol1ment devcioplocaL ¬ment of their section is the digging dlKlin of ofths orthft ofthethe Panama CanaL They realize r Jf that thatthsre tb1 thatthere t ttthere t sr to secret and sinister opposition opP JCttlJn < t tthis t tt tthis >this t 1s great undertaking and that with withRoosevelt withROOllevelt withRooseveltRoosevelt out of the White House Ho it will willnot willnot willnetnot be so difficult for toe enemies 1I of tie tiecanal tl tlea tietisn1canal ea lt1 to carry out their policy of oh ohstreetkm obtnfetlon Ohetsvetlonstreetkm and delay Aa Motag km M he i iChief iChief is isChiefChief Executive tbe work will b H poahext poahextwith jumbedwith ed edv1thwith vigor and carried so far townwd a asuccessful a8ucee asuccessful8ucee successful eful consummation that its com completion COIDpletlon ¬ x xplettonpletion would be in sight sightIt 8IghtIt sightItIt te worth far more to the States Statessouth SatfHtltlt Statessouthsouth of Mason and Dixons Dlxoa Nne It lime te t have havethis bav bavthisthis waterway than even to elect a Daino Dainocratfe Dmoera Doinoeratiecratfe era e President Roosevelt and the CnaJ CnaJwill ClaalwJU N Nwillwill be a mighty JI1 ty slogan and wigaR ye you w ae aethe MG seethethe hitherto solid South snowUng it m In the thenext thunext th0nextnext campaign campaignThe cmlgaThe campaignTheThe State Stat oCColorado has beenrepre represented Npresentod reps repsseated ¬seated in Washington W for the past weekby a group of itsbleat and most sue sucoes Weoeseful suecesefuloes oeseful ful lawyers lawymen of the highest pro profeeaional profeIonaIfeeaional attainments and likewise of the thebest thebest thebestbest standing aa eitiaensIn the list are areJudges areJudges areJudgesJudges D C Beaman BIni n chief covaseJ couie of ofthe ortqo ofthethe tqo Colorado Fuel and Iron Company eounyJudse CompanyJudgeJudge Charles Charl D Hayt formerly of the thesupreme thesupreme thesupremesupreme bench Clyde C Dawson Da Daweos Joel JoelF JoelF JoelFF Vails Ben W Hitter Judge Platt Rog Bogera Rogers Rogesnera and Attorney General N C c Miller MillerAH XDJerAU MillerAllAH of these with tbe exception of Judge JudgeRogers JudgeRogers JudgeRogersRogers are Republicans who have ren rendered rendered rondesed ¬dered good service s lee to their party rber rberIs Then Thenis Iir Iirisis not a man in the list who would not notmake notmake notmakemake an excellent United States Sans Senator Sentstor Sanstsr ¬tor said a former citizen of Colorado Coloradoatat the Raleigh Not one of them bow bowever bo boever boweverever has the remotest chance apparent apparently apparentJy apparently ¬ly of being chosen as Senator Patter Pattersons PatterOns Fattereonssons > successor Inilueneeg have been beenat Deenat beeratat work for three or four years to elect electSimon elflCtSImon electSimonSimon Guggenheim and there is senate searrely MlUTeJy senatelyly 8 doubt of the programme going goingthrough 8Dlngtbrougllthrough unless the unexpected Should Shouldhappen IIIIouldhappen mouldhappenhappen happenBefore happenBeton happenBeforeBefore leaving for his hi home e In Pitts Pittsburg Pittsburg Pitteburgburg the brit and popular young youngCongressman JOU youngCongressmen g gCongre88IIIIUICongressman from that city James JamesFrancis JamesFrancis JamesFrancisFrancis Burke did a good act tat obtain obtaining obtaluJng obtainlag ¬lag a pension of 4 41 a month for a former formerwellknown tormerwellknown fonnerwellknownwellknown Washington correspondent correspondentCharkw eorreeplllldentCharIws correspondentChanceChance T Murray Murr Mr Murray was in inother inother inothetother days one of the leading lights of ofNewspaper ofNewspaper ofNewspaperNewspaper Row having ha been connect COIUIecte1 COIUIecte1with connoctelwith e < I Iwithwith the Philadelphia Pl Times and the New NewYork NewYork NewYorkYork Herald He was also one of the thefounders thetounders thefoundersfounders of the Gridiron Club Of late lateyears at atYNrs tatyearsyears he has been hi poor health JH th and the thepanskm th thfor thapensionpension for his services in the Union Unionarmy Ualonarmy Unionarniyarmy was a just recognition of his merit meritThe meritThe lit litTheThe dignity tptt of the Supreme Court got a ashock ashock ashockshock the other day but in sack a a fanny fannywsy lUDnywaT funnywayway that even the learned Jusdcea en enJoyed enJoyed enjoyerlJoyed it It said Judge Hayt of Denver at attbe atthe atthethe Raleigh RaleighIt RaleighNIt RaleigiLItNIt It was brought about hi the moat un unconscious unconEClou5 tinconscious ¬conscious way by my brother at the bar barJudge barJude barJudgeJudge Beaman who was making klBg aa ar argument argumnt arglimoat ¬gument in favor of his States swa aids ec f the thesuit th thsutt thesuitsuit brought by Kansas against Colorado Coloradoinin the matter of the diversion of the thewaters thewaten thewaterswaters of the Arkansas Arb River Judge JudgeBeaman JudgeBeaman JudgeBeamanBeaman who te a mighty hunter and who whohas whJhas whihaghas been known to back his opinion with withcoin Witheolo withcoincoin toM the court that the vast ma majority miljorltY majority ¬jority of Kansas people dM not approve approvethe approvetlM approvethethe suit that it had been htetfgmted ld by byCol b bCol byCOtCol Marsh Mordock X1IIdock editor of the theWtehitit theVlc theWichltsWtehitit Vlc l Eagle who bad kept kepttM the matter matterstirred matterstlrre matterstirredstirred up for twenty twat years i lit the col columns OJum selums ¬umns um of his h newspaper He intimated intimatedmoreover tntimtodmoCeover tfld tfldmoeovermoreover moeover that although the xa iunas leg legi legIslature legislaturei Islature bad passed resolutions demanding demandingthe Ing Ingtilethe bringing of the suit sutt they had hadbeen hadbeen hadbeenbeen worked up and had been passed in a aperfunctory aperCunetory aperfunctoryperfunctory sort of way wayII suppose queried Mr Jr Justice Har HarMn Harla71 HasInla71 Mn in a semiJocular way that Col ColMurdock ColMurdock CoLMurdockMurdock really put the legislature np to topassing topes tojassleegpassing pes tag those resolutions resolutionsI resolutionsYou r rYouI You bet he did answered ana Beaman Beamanimpulsively sJlUlnlmpuJshel7 BenenanImpulsivelyimpulsively not stopping s to think that thatthis tha thatthis t ttkbthis tva was 111 not the usual 1 mode of answering answeringaa question propounded ed by a justice of the theUnited the1allecl theUnitedUnited States Supreme Court But realiz realizIItg mobslug realizinglug the innocence of the slip the justices Justicesearly > s son1only on1 smiled and the next day I Judge Boa Beaman Boamu a amade ¬man made a graceful and apologetic apologeticexplanation apoIopUcexplaaaUon apologeticexplanationexplanation explaaaUonow explanationNow explanationNowNow ow when one stops to consider the thetremendous thetrm thetremendoustremendous trm ftd0u8 fluctuations < In value that thatNew tha thatNew t tNewNew York hag ha witnessed ot bite lat and th thgreat thgreat tha thagreatgreat depredations together t r with the ex excessive exceahe excostive ¬costive high price of money in that finan financial Aaanclal flnancisi ¬cial center does not this good okl o town townof townor townofof Washington Washtn tOll appear a to be a much bet better better better ¬ter and safer field of investment hI investmantr tr re remarked remarked remarked ¬marked Mr W t B Hibbs the wellknown wellknownbanker wellknownbtmkr wellknownbankerbanker and broker at the tbeWMlthY Shorefeam ShorefeamWealthy ShorehantWealthyWealthy men from all parts of the na nation Datloa uslion ¬lion are 1 flocking to the Capital to make makeit DlakttIt makeItit their borne but they count with as assound assound assowulsound reason bring thtdr money mos here as aswell aswell aswellwell as their families tmlll There is saver a aduplication adupllcaUon aduplicationduplication here he of such bad financial financialperiods financialperlocls financialperiodsperiods as New Yerk undergoes interest interestsoars Itereatsoar interestseamsoars soar to 26 per r cent there but remains remainsat rMIII n natat 6 here he While securities go tumbling tumblingm tb1ln tb1lnInm In the metropolis values remain imchakru imchakruhere 1IRehakflI unehakethotshere I Riots R1 strikes and lockouts are re un unknown Ullknown unknown ¬known things In Washington and our ourcivic OUTcivic teurciviccivic conditkme conditlo make this an ideal field fieldfor fieldfor fieldforfor investment Capitalist Capl lIsta are bound to tosee tosee toseesee the logic of this tAIs and the day te coming comingwhen COIninghea comingwhenwhen hea Washington WAsht ton will be a a financial financialstronghold Ilmiasdalstronghold l lstrongholdstronghold strongholdThe strongholdThe strongholdTheThe New lId had a a b WI WIor deputation deputationofof leading citizens dzew5 of Pttteburg who whocam whocam h hearn °cam t tv confer COIIf with Secretary Shaw in inregard InreglUd Inregardregard to the vex vexed ex < d question of a site sitefor sitofor siteforfor a Federal building The row over overthis ontthis oveCthisthis has assumed large proportion and andthe andthe andthethe battle rages with everIncreasing everIncreasingfury everlncNUIngfUf everIncreasingfuryfury The unusually heavy appropriation appropriationOfOf r 1000 IJQI l00000ilfor 0 for a site alone was made by byCngre byC b bCongressC Congress Cngre tl In accordance e with custom customand customand customandand few Mr Shaw picked a a location location but butsa butSsa S much objection to It arose that be no re rescinded reselnded reminded ¬minded his act and yet the Pittsburgers Pittsburgersare PlttaDurgflareare so far from agreeing on any particu particular partieuIe ¬ s slalar la place that it does not seem S em probable probablaan roan agreement can ever be reached by bythem bythem bythemthem themAmong themAmong themAmongAmong the delegation who are c here Mr on onthe onthe onthethe mission alluded to are Cal S S G GLonnox GLonnox GLennoxLonnox Judge John H R Armstrong F R RBaboock RBabcock BEaboockBabcock president of the Marcher l Merchants Merchantsand lrCIIrUICind ta taandand Manufacturers Aseooiaiiott Col A AJ AJ AJJ J Logan vice president pre ldeat of the Chamber Chamberof Chamberof r rorof Commerce and Senator SenatorT T P Harmon Harmonrepresenting Harwaoartprusentfng Harmonrepresentingrepresenting the Beard of Trade TradeXo TradeSo TradeNoXo Liking for Sncnks SncnksFr SncnksFrem SneaksFrernFr Frem Frern m the t e f Jestos cston toB herald HenlaThere H heraldThere aW aWThereThere seams seems to be no widespread dispo disposition Atposltfon lIsiOsition ¬sition to criticise those members e who whovoted whovoted whovotedvoted In favor of Increasing Congressional Congressionalsalaries CoagressionaIsalnrles a asalariessalaries The only unfavorable comment commentoccasioned eo uaentocaasloned commentoccasionedoccasioned by the record of the voting la ladirected Isdlrootod iiidirectedirected more particularly against those thosewho thosewho thomwhowho either dodged or voted one way viva vivavoce VIVItvoce 1v 1vvocevoce and the other way on the roll calL calLTho callThe calLTheThe people admire frankness fnmk ls either oIt Gi way waybut waybut way1 way1butbut they have no particular fondness fo foOne faanesks fosnenksanesksOne Worry of tIle Season SeasonFrom SerusonFrom SeasonFromFrom the Chicane KeeoriHtnhL KeeoriHtnhLAlong Ue ReoardBstaldAlong criBwaJrLAlongAlong about this time of the year oer th thaverage the thswQrnge theaverageaverage man would be willing to pay p a apretty nopretty a aproltypretty large premium to anybody whocould whocould who whocouldcould suggest to him a a Christmas present presentfor presentfor I Irorfor his wife that she would have no desire desireto desireto t ttoto exchange for something else immedi immediately lmmedlately mmed1atel ¬ately atel after the passing of the glad dayy d da 153554b96e