The Shepherd's Crown Mobi 17
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Thus our first day’s journey was accomplished with little fatigue; and atChatel we took the road which leads to the Simplon, by the shore of Lake Geneva.The mountains of this beautiful lake are much higher than those of the Rhine, andthey bear also a greater resemblance to the Alps. We passed Grenoble,its beautiful suburbs, and the surrounding country and the vineyards. Theinn-keeper of this place pressed wine upon us, and we paid little attention toit. But we had now entered l’Italie, the land of wine, and we took on instead of it a morebrisk and invigorating beverage. At Lyons we visited the church of St. Sepulchre,with its rich painted ceiling, and the portrait of Gregory, which is said to bethe most ancient by Raphael of any in existence. This church is said to have beenconstituted a cathedral by Boniface VI, and to be also the place where that popewas crowned by the emperor Frederic Barbarossa, the future emperor Henry VI. andthe kings of England, France, and Spain. The place thus consecrated to theChurch is distinguished by the names of St. Peter and St. Paul. The pope on hiscoronation at St. Peter’s had the voice of thunder, and the most majestic of voices.Hence this church is called sometimes La Sainte Chappelle du Pape and at othersLa Sainte Chapelle 827ec27edc