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The Official White Tiger Tantra Blog.Where women and men can share their experiences and have their questions answered about awakening women to full body orgasms, multiple orgasms and sustained orgasms through the use of White Tiger Tantra. Share Your White Tiger Tantra ExperienceIf you have a White Tiger Tantra experience that you would like to share email your story to: support@whitetigertantra.comHave Questions?If you have questions regarding White Tiger Tantra that you would like to have answered on the blog contact: support@whitetigertantra.comSearch WhiteTigerTantra.com Search this site jQuery(document).ready(function() { var searchField = document.
In the Samvara mandala there is a variegated lotus atop Mount Sumeru within an adamantine tent (vajrapajara). Placed on it is a double vajra, which sits as the base of a court in the middle of which is the Blessed Lord. He stands in the archer (alidha) stance on Bhairava and Kalaratri who lie on a solar disk atop the pericarp of the lotus. He is black and has four faces which are, beginning with the front [and continuing around counter-clockwise], black, green, red, and yellow, each of which has three eyes. He has a tiger skin and has twelve arms. Two arms holding a vajra and a vajra-bell embrace Vajravarahi. Two of his hands hold up over his back a white elephant hide dripping with blood. His other [right hands hold] a damaru drum, an axe, a flaying knife (kartri), and a trident. His remaining left [hands hold] a khatvanga staff marked with a vajra, a skull-bowl filled with blood, a vajra noose, and the head of Brahma. A garland of fifty moist human heads hangs about his neck. He has the six insignia, and a sacred thread made of human sinew. He has a row of five skulls above his forehead, and a crest of black dreadlocks topped by a left-oriented crescent moon and a double vajra. He is endowed with a fierce meditative state (vikrtadhyana).[20]
The Official White Tiger Tantra Blog.Where women and men can share their experiences and have their questions answered about awakening women to full body orgasms, multiple orgasms and sustained orgasms through the use of White Tiger Tantra. Share Your White Tiger Tantra ExperienceIf you have a White Tiger Tantra experience that you would like to share email your story to: support@whitetigertantra.comHave Questions?If you have questions regarding White Tiger Tantra that you would like to have answered on the blog contact: support@whitetigertantra. 827ec27edc